The project of Gloria

  • We are extremely pleased with our purchase which meets our needs completely thanks to the professionalism and skill of Angela. She guided us in choosing the materials and accessories in an extremely professional and helpful way. The kitchen was fitted perfectly and accurately. The result was really exciting for us! Thank you Veneta Cucine for giving us the kitchen we wanted.
  • Our kitchen

    • Surface area of kitchen: 25 mq
    • City: Verolanuova
    • Model: Lounge
    Find out Lounge
  • Dealer
    25124 Brescia - LOMBARDIA - Italy

July 8, 2020 Here comes the new Kitchen

  • July 9, 2020
    Previous project
    The project of Ilaria&Cristian
    The project of Ilaria&Cristian
    Kitchen: Oyster
    The elegance of Oyster Pro combined with your dealer’s professionalism in design has given us a...
  • July 7, 2020
    Next project
    The project of Vincenzo
    The project of Vincenzo

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