Fenix kitchen worktop: maintenance tips

Fenix takes its evocative name from the Arabian Phoenix, the mythical bird capable of being reborn from its own ashes.
Similarly, a Fenix kitchen worktop can repair small scratches on the surface through the application of heat. The secret lies in the special composition: new-generation resins treated with the help of nanotechnology.

A Fenix kitchen worktop is one of the most practical and hygienic choices as the material is water-repellent, anti-static, mould-proof and immune to bacterial proliferation.

A must in the most innovative kitchens – whether minimalist or modern – but also ideal for revisiting the more traditional and classic models, here’s how to take care of it and maintain its performance intact over time.

A must in the most innovative kitchens

1. Easy to clean

2. Repair small scratches using an iron

3. Few minor precautions

1. Fenix kitchen worktop: easy to clean

Thanks to its characteristics, a Fenix kitchen worktop does not need any special precautions.
Being water-repellent and mould-proof in and of itself, as well as having anti-static and bacteria-inhibiting properties, a Fenix worktop can be simply cleaned using a damp cloth and a regular degreaser.

2. Repair small scratches on a Fenix worktop using an iron

This is perhaps the most surprising quality of this material: the ability to thermally repair micro-scratches on the surface.
To do this, cover your kitchen worktop with a damp cloth and run a hot iron over it for a few seconds. And the Fenix worktop, like the Arabian Phoenix, “will be reborn”, becoming good as new again.

3. To clean a Fenix worktop, all you need are a few minor precautions

Unlike ceramic kitchen worktops or marble kitchen worktops, which are more delicate, a Fenix kitchen worktop is outstandingly resistant: not only to scratches and impacts, but also to acidic solvents and aggressive cleaning products.
As for the more resistant kitchen worktops, such as quartz kitchen worktops or laminate kitchen worktops, minimum caution however must always be taken: after using a solvent, remember to clean your Fenix kitchen worktop with hot water and a mild detergent.

Are you curious about the innovative qualities of a Fenix kitchen? If you want to see the amazing qualities of this futuristic material for yourself, at Veneta Cucine dealers you will be able to find expert interior designers ready to advise you on the choice of the perfect kitchen.

Visit the “Dealers” section to find the store nearest to you.

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