• Memory Bianco Antico 395
  • Memory Bianco Antico 395
  • Memory Bianco Antico 395
  • 1 / 4

A collection of designs characterized by timeless beauty, the result of hand-crafted processes that hand down the values craftsmanship, creativity and experience.

Time to make beauty and functionality readily available.

Rediscover style as a value to cherish.

A style for those who choose traditional furnishing solutions but will not sacrifice modern functions. Characterizing the ensemble is a decoratively framed door with beveled panel.

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Colours and Woods

    • Legno Laccato
      • Frassino Laccato Bianco  (796)
        Frassino Laccato Bianco (796)
        Frassino Laccato Bianco (796)
      • Frassino Bianco Antico (395)
        Frassino Bianco Antico (395)
        Frassino Bianco Antico (395)
      • Frassino Laccato Porcellana (981)
        Frassino Laccato Porcellana (981)
        Frassino Laccato Porcellana (981)
    • Legno
      • Frassino Tinto Noce Classico (427)
        Frassino Tinto Noce Classico (427)
        Frassino Tinto Noce Classico (427)
    • Legno Laccato
      • Frassino Laccato Bianco
        Frassino Laccato Bianco (796)
      • Frassino Bianco Antico
        Frassino Bianco Antico (395)
      • Frassino Laccato Porcellana
        Frassino Laccato Porcellana (981)
    • Legno
      • Frassino Tinto Noce Classico
        Frassino Tinto Noce Classico (427)

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