Solid wood structure, veneered or quartz top.

Find out colors and essences


  • Rectangular table
    Rectangular table 160x90 | 180x90
  • Tavolo rettangolare con prolunga
    Tavolo rettangolare con prolunga 207x90 | 227x90
  • Table leg height
    Table leg height 72.5

Caranto is a range of products designed to make your kitchen even more personal. Caranto is synonymous with elegant design and superb quality, especially as regards technical worktops, and each and every different model is built to the most exacting standards of quality and design. The wide range of finishes, both in quartz and in ceramic stoneware, offers an infinity of combinations.

Ceramic stoneware is an agglomerate of natural materials, such as clay and quartzose and feldspathic sand, with the addition of metal oxide pigments, which is compressed and fired in a furnace at a temperature of more than 1,200°C. This gives the finished top its resistance to knocks and to thermal shock. The colour will not fade, and the surface is scratch-resistant. The top is hygienic, safe, and does not transfer any chemical agents to the food.

Tops in quartz agglomerate are highly resistant to scratching; they also absorb very low quantities of water are highly resistant to chemical agents. The polished quartz tops are non-porous and extremely easy to clean, since no dirt can penetrate the surface.

Colours and Woods

    • CARANTO QUARTZ (20mm)
      • Cassiopea Lucido  (Q76)
        Cassiopea Lucido  (Q76)
        Cassiopea Lucido (Q76)
        Cassiopea Lucido (Q76)
      • Linosa (20mm) (Q22)
        Linosa (20mm) (Q22)
        Linosa (20mm) (Q22)
        Linosa (20mm) (Q22)
      • Calcedonia (20mm) (Q86)
        Calcedonia (20mm) (Q86)
        Calcedonia (20mm) (Q86)
        Calcedonia (20mm) (Q86)
      • Corniola (20mm) (Q89)
        Corniola (20mm) (Q89)
        Corniola (20mm) (Q89)
        Corniola (20mm) (Q89)
      • Olivina (20mm) (Q88)
        Olivina (20mm) (Q88)
        Olivina (20mm) (Q88)
        Olivina (20mm) (Q88)
      • Agata (20mm) (Q87)
        Agata (20mm) (Q87)
        Agata (20mm) (Q87)
        Agata (20mm) (Q87)
      • Libra (20mm) (Q80)
        Libra (20mm) (Q80)
        Libra (20mm) (Q80)
        Libra (20mm) (Q80)
      • Centauris Lucido (20mm) (Q77)
        Centauris Lucido (20mm) (Q77)
        Centauris Lucido (20mm) (Q77)
        Centauris Lucido (20mm) (Q77)
      • Graniglia Lucido (20mm) (Q54)
        Graniglia Lucido (20mm) (Q54)
        Graniglia Lucido (20mm) (Q54)
        Graniglia Lucido (20mm) (Q54)
      • Pegaso Lucido (20mm) (Q75)
        Pegaso Lucido (20mm) (Q75)
        Pegaso Lucido (20mm) (Q75)
        Pegaso Lucido (20mm) (Q75)
      • Auriga Lucido (20mm) (Q74)
        Auriga Lucido (20mm) (Q74)
        Auriga Lucido (20mm) (Q74)
        Auriga Lucido (20mm) (Q74)
      • Andromeda Lucido (20mm) (Q73)
        Andromeda Lucido (20mm) (Q73)
        Andromeda Lucido (20mm) (Q73)
        Andromeda Lucido (20mm) (Q73)
      • Orione Lucido (20mm) (Q72)
        Orione Lucido (20mm) (Q72)
        Orione Lucido (20mm) (Q72)
        Orione Lucido (20mm) (Q72)
      • Cemento Perlato Lucido (20mm) (Q65)
        Cemento Perlato Lucido (20mm) (Q65)
        Cemento Perlato Lucido (20mm) (Q65)
        Cemento Perlato Lucido (20mm) (Q65)
      • Versilia Lucido (20mm) (Q64)
        Versilia Lucido (20mm) (Q64)
        Versilia Lucido (20mm) (Q64)
        Versilia Lucido (20mm) (Q64)
      • Ostuni Lucido (20mm) (Q63)
        Ostuni Lucido (20mm) (Q63)
        Ostuni Lucido (20mm) (Q63)
        Ostuni Lucido (20mm) (Q63)
      • Maratea Lucido (20mm) (Q57)
        Maratea Lucido (20mm) (Q57)
        Maratea Lucido (20mm) (Q57)
        Maratea Lucido (20mm) (Q57)
      • Taormina Lucido (20mm) (Q56)
        Taormina Lucido (20mm) (Q56)
        Taormina Lucido (20mm) (Q56)
        Taormina Lucido (20mm) (Q56)
      • Bianco Perlato Lucido (20mm) (Q55)
        Bianco Perlato Lucido (20mm) (Q55)
        Bianco Perlato Lucido (20mm) (Q55)
        Bianco Perlato Lucido (20mm) (Q55)
    • Structure
      • Tinto Frassino Laccato Beige (721)
        Tinto Frassino Laccato Beige (721)
        Tinto Frassino Laccato Beige (721)
        Tinto Frassino Laccato Beige (721)
      • Tinto Rovere Naturale Finitura Olio (783)
        Tinto Rovere Naturale Finitura Olio (783)
        Tinto Rovere Naturale Finitura Olio (783)
        Tinto Rovere Naturale Finitura Olio (783)
      • Tinto Rovere Botte (789)
        Tinto Rovere Botte (789)
        Tinto Rovere Botte (789)
        Tinto Rovere Botte (789)

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